Thursday 18 June 2009


It's great wehn you first start out on a new fitness and health 'regime'. You're motivated, you're doing something different and if you stick to it strictly (and it's a good, sensible plan for you) you WILL get results. Eventually though, however much you stick to your plan you'll reach a plateau, a frustrating plateau! This is because the body is great at adapting, and this is what it's done. It's got used to the change and thinks this is now the norm so less effort is required.

So today's short blog is purely to give you a few pointers to overcoming a plateau :

1. Shape up your exercise - make sure you're doing regular sessions; is it possible to squeeze another one in, in the week?. Government recommendations are five times a week for 30 minutes, but if you're smart you can do less and achieve more. It comes down to intensity - forget the steady state cardio ie. running at the same pace for the duration of your exercise session.

2. Push through your comfort zone - that's what us personal trainers are here for. To help you go further than you would if you were working out on your own. I often get clients saying part way through a session " I would have stopped by now if you weren't here".

3. Do the opposite of what you're currently doing. Give your body a shock! If you're currently working out using a stability ball use dumbbells instead. If you're using a rowing machine, get on a bike instead. Shake it up a bit and your body doesn't know what to expect so the adaptation process can't happen.

4. Eat more, but the right stuff. If you're eating right for your body type you should be able to eat regualr meals of adequate proportions to fill you up, so you don't feel as if you're depriving yourself. Metabolic Typing does not use calorie counting, traffic light systems, or any type of food restricting etc.

5. Keep a food diary. Record every morsel that passes your lips, food and drink, and review it regularly. You may be very suprised at how much 'non nutrient'food you are snacking on, even if your main meals are home prepared.

6. Plan - it really is all in the planning. I set out my exercise plan at the beginning of each week, and work out all my meals and snacks for the following day, the night before. Sounds a bit dull but you soon get used to it, and it means YOU are in control. Take a little time to plan ahead and reap the benefits.


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