Thursday 8 November 2012

Fresh Air

Every year when the clocks go back my heart sinks. I'm such a hot house flower; love, love, love the sunshine. Don't get me wrong I love the seasons we get in this country but the dark mornings and short days don't sit well with me.
Yesterday morning, however, was such a joy! I went for a dog walk with one of my oldest and dearest friends , Maria, and at 7.30am the sun was shining, it was vaguely warm and the combinations of her delightful doggies, exercise, and being able to chat was just what I needed. Nat, my eight year old even decided to join us and got 45 minutes of fresh air before being cooped up in a classroom at school. Win win all round.
I returned home afterwards with a glow inside and completely ready to start my day. I felt more focused, enthusiastic, and ready for the challenges that lay ahead, all because of a simple choice I made to get up and get out in the fresh air.
So this morning, in an hour and a halfs time,I'm exercising with another lovely friend and her gorgeous son. We're going for a bike ride to get the most out of the day.......
How do you start your day? Rx

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